Cookie Decorating Tutorial

Welcome to Your Cookie Decorating Video!

Below you will find time stamps to help you easily navigate your video or you can always watch on Youtube and the time stamps are there as well.

What’s in Your Box 0:00 - 1:32 

Additional Items Needed 1:33- 1:40 

Rolling Out Your Dough 1:41 - 7:32 

Cutting Our Your Cookies 7:33 - 8:35 

Making Your Icing 8:36 - 16:18 

Mixing Icing Color and Consistency 16:19 - 28:30 

Practice Sheet 28:31 - 34:43 

Transfer Sheet 34:44 - 39:35 

Decorating Your Cookies 39:36 - 1:14:00

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